After a near-perfect week, Julia takes a commanding lead! With just seven games remaining, she is poised to win her second horse ass trophy (Big Blue) and claim the $600 prize. But wait! Jacob still wields the power of a potential lock and trifecta! Jamie also holds this power, albeit from a far greater disadvantage at seven games back. Can one of these underdogs leverage those all-important secret weapons to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat??? The Divisional round of the playoffs approaches! Mind your new deadlines, listed below!
IMPORTANT: Most everyone accumulated relatively sparse weekly winnings. Most of you have asked me to apply your winnings to next year’s dues (ie instead of owing $80, you would owe a reduced amount). If you would prefer that I send you your winnings, please make a note of this in the comment when you make your picks this week!

(JULIA) 1st: Thursday
(JACOB) 2nd: Friday
All other players: before kickoff of each game.
There will be 13 total playoff games. There will be a lock, trifecta and cry-fecta for the entire playoff schedule. You can use your lock in the first round, second or save it for the Super Bowl. But you will only get ONE lock for the whole playoffs. Likewise, you can use all three of your trifecta picks in the first round or space them out from week to week in the playoffs; but you will only get three for the whole playoff schedule. If you win all three, you get a bonus win. If you lose all three you get a cry-fecta penalty and lose a game.
I will post the games Wednesday. (Note: There will not be any weekly prizes and no lone wolves in the playoffs.)