As you may or may not know, Monday’s Bills vs. Bengals game was postponed. They have yet to announce a makeup date, so I am going to hold off on updating the page until we know more.
Here’s what we do know right now:
After a cursory glance (don’t hold me to this), it appears that Brian will be in first place, with Ryan and Jacob in second and third. Again, I will confirm this when we know more.
Now, if for some reason the NFL decided not to play this game, we will make sure no one gets screwed. If you picked that game, you will only have picked 12 and everyone else would have picked 13. In turn, you will only have two skips next week while everyone else gets 3 to make up the missing game. We will use similar logic to make sure no one is cheated from a lock or trifecta. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to this, but there is a plan in place!
There is no Thursday game this week, so expect a later update.
Keep checking in, as I will be updating as soon as we learn more.